BLender Configuration Script (aka Heschy Render Config/Heschy Render Settings) is an addon for Blender.
It changes your Render settings, in order to get more realistic images. Of course it wont set your configurations to the optimum,
but it it is still good.
Blender changed a few things in the API when creating Blender 3.0
This Addon wont work on Blender 3.0 or higher.
Wich settings are going to be reseted?
To get more realistic Images, you will render with Cycles
To stop interrupting Render procces, you wont be able to change anything while blender renders your scene.
Cycles will render Transparent Background
The Framerate is going to be 60 frames per second, to create higher-quality animations
You will render on your GPU
You will render 50 Frames + Denoising to reduce render time and increase Quality
You will use Adaptive sampling, to reduce render time
If you want to use Eevee, you will render Reflections ass well.